Coptic Book Binding Workshop

Coptic Book Sample

Coptic book binding is one of the oldest traditional book binding method which was used by the christians known as Copts.   This method of binding does not need any gluing and the spine is left open and the book can be lay flat when turning the pages.

coptic workshop 2

I conduct this workshop at my place last weekend for a group of adults.  Despite the heavy downpour I was glad most of them turn up for this workshop.  It was great being able to share this skill with fellow crafting lover.  Here are some of their finishing products.

coptic workshop 1


Scrapbooking Workshop with CSC

Last weekend we were at the head office of Civil Service Centre to conduct our first basic scrapbooking workshop for the year. 

For this workshop we used our Racial Harmony Scrapbook kit to create a simple scallop album.  Acrylic paint was used to paint the background to form a little garden and skyline and patterned paper were torn to triangle and square shapes to form a little house. 

 Racial Harmony CSC 2 Racial Harmony CSC 1

We are glad everyone had a great time finishing the album!  Here are some of the layout to share with you!

Racial Harmony Box with StickerCSC page 1CSC page 3CSC page 6