Sock Doll Making

 Sock Cat Doll 

I started sock doll making a year and a half ago for my children when I chanced upon a sock doll making book at the National Library and fell in love with it.  It is so easy to do compare to the traditional bear making that I have been making for years and needed so little time to complete each doll.

IS with cat sock doll

They were so cute and easy to make, I started making them as gifts for my friends too and they started  ordering them from me to give as gifts for their friends.  Then I also started getting request for workshops on how to sew these cute cuddly dolls, so I started my first “Sew A Cat Sock Doll Workshop” last year in March and the respond was great.

This year I started my first Sock Doll Making Workshop last Saturday with a group of ladies from and we  had a great sharing time and everyone completed their lovely sock doll by the end of the workshop.  Here are some photos of the work in process and their finished product – their cute sock cat!

Cat Workshop AIC 2Cat Workshop AIC 1